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Google Make Car Can Drive Without Driver

It's all that it's cracked up to be: Google has engineered a vehicle that drives on its own.

Google make a car driven without driver. This car is made by google and very cool car. Now a days google is taking trail of this car and making sure that this car is fully safe. Now a days he is using this car on roads of USA with the computer engineer and one technical expert for the reason to avoid any harmful and unexpected accidents.

For indication how this car judge the presence of any car on the road and how he judge the direction this is big question for people but ans is simple.

The camera is fitted on the roof of car and also a little redar is fitted on the roof of car to catch the signals and mention the direction and also mention presence of any other car or material this is operated by rays such as radio active rays.

So if we say that radioactive technology is used in this car that is not wrong.
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