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Yahoo not Shutting Down However Plans on Selling It

Earlier amid rounds of speculation, it was confirmed that Yahoo was indeed shutdown or “sunsetting” products which even included the popular bookmarking service Thes news saw widespread criticism across social networks such as Twitter and Facebook, and in response to all of that, Yahoo has released a statement on their blog, bringing hope to those who were sad about the demise of

Good news is, that the company says they won’t be shutting down entirely, rather they feel that this particular product does not have a “strategic fit” at the company, meaning that Yahoo plans to sell out
The company answers some vital questions on its blog, which are:
Is Delicious being shut down? And should I be worried about my data?
No, we are not shutting down Delicious. While we have determined that there is not a strategic fit at Yahoo!, we believe there is a ideal home for Delicious outside of the company where it can be resourced to the level where it can be competitive.
What is Yahoo! going to do with Delicious?
We’re actively thinking about the future of Delicious and we believe there is a home outside the company that would make more sense for the service and our users. We’re in the process of exploring a variety of options and talking to companies right now. And we’ll share our plans with you as soon as we can.
What if I want to get my bookmarks out of Delicious right away?
As noted above, there’s no reason to panic. We are maintaining Delicious and encourage you to keep using it. That said, we have export options if you so choose. Additionally, many services provide the ability to import Delicious links and tags.
However, the question still remains that has Yahoo changed its plans of originally shutting down due to the virtual protest of users on the internet? That can not be said for sure but this is welcoming for those who did not want to lose
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